GrandGram #14, by Beth Sheldon
The unlimited potential of a seed is only unlocked when it is actually sown. How true it is that the ingredients for the miracle of reproduction are only released once the seed enters the soil and yields to the process of dying to self. By yielding, it positions itself to receive the necessary nutrients from the soil and to drink in the waterings. Once it breaks through the surface it is then able to bask in the sunshine and breathe in the carbon dioxide. All through this process, the seed yields to the tending by the Master Gardener. The seed is raised to a place of abundance that yields harvests beyond our wildest dreams after it is sown. This is a picture of what Kingdom-minded grandparenting has the potential to bring to the rising generations!
This is a picture of what Kingdom-minded grandparenting has the potential to bring to the rising generations!
I love remembering this question God asked of Moses. “What is in your hand?” (Ex. 4:2) To each and every grandparent reading this, the Lord is asking us, “What treasured seed do you possess through your life’s experiences with Me? What seed sown by you would unveil My strategies and wisdom to the rising generations? What seeds for equipping them to be abundantly fruitful do you now hold in your hand?” Let us consider what “seeds” we currently hold on to that God’s Spirit wants to sow through us into our children and grandchildren that will bring forth multiplied harvests in their lives.
Let’s take a little minute right now to stop reading this and ask Holy Spirit, “What seed am I holding onto that it is now time to release into the lives of my children and/or grandchildren? Who would you have me call or reach out to in some way today? What particular experience or story, encouragement, or wisdom would you have me share with them that will release Your heart into their lives?”
I encourage us all to lean in and listen for any impression He brings to our hearts. Let’s take immediate action on those details and ideas he releases and reveals to us. Who comes to mind? What impression do we feel concerning what we should share with them? Be open to His creative ideas bursting out all over the place as we ponder this in His presence and receive His specific instructions. He is always ready to speak to us. Intimate conversations with Him are meant to be ongoing, constantly flowing and forever reproducing Kingdom life as we engage deeply with what He is saying and doing.
Let’s come openhanded into His presence and ask, “What is in my hand, Abba Father?” “How would You have me sow the seed You have entrusted to me within my family?” And as He releases His secrets and strategies to us, let’s go do what He says and watch with wonder as the harvest rolls in in His perfect timing.
Our faithfulness to sow now will grow a spiritual and enduring legacy in the rising generations that will impact and transform generations yet to be born!
As we faithfully and consistently sow our seeds, the potential in them sets in motion an eternal harvest that will continue impacting generations we may never even see. Our faithfulness to sow now will grow a spiritual and enduring legacy in the rising generations that will impact and transform generations yet to be born! God has massive plans for what might seem as small as these tiny seeds we are holding in our hands, but they hold His promise to reap a greater harvest than we can possibly imagine! So… let’s go sow our seeds! What we are generous to sow, God will be generous to grow!